Będlewo (POLAND), August 22--29, 2004


1st Announcement




      As it was decided during the meeting in Jaca, the next edition of our annual informal Workshop will take place in Będlewo (Poland), August 22--29, 2004, at the Mathematical Research and Conference Center of the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences.




Format of the Meeting


      The format is meant to be similar to the last meetings. Participants are requested to arrive in the Sunday afternoon, August 22, and to depart after breakfast on Sunday, August 29.


      In the morning we will have plenary sessions on the following topics (not necessarily in the indicated order):


1. Quantum Mechanics for quantum computers (quantum control)


   Session organizers: Giuseppe Marmo (Napoli) (marmo@na.infn.it)

                  and  Jesús Clemente-Gallardo (Coimbra) (jesus@mat.uc.pt)


2. Affine framework for Mechanics


   Session organizer: Paweł Urbański (Warszawa) (urbanski@fuw.edu.pl)


3. Continuum Mechanics


   Session organizer: Manuel de León (Madrid) (mdeleon@imaff.cfmac.csic.es)


4. Variations on the Kepler problem


   Session organizers: Alberto Ibort (Madrid) (albertoi@math.uc3m.es)

                  and  Mariano Santander (Valladolid) (santander@fta.uva.es)


5. Reductions


   Session organizers: Miguel Muñoz-Lecanda (Barcelona) (matmcml@mat.upc.es),

                       Narciso Román-Roy (Barcelona) (matnrr@mat.upc.es),

                   and Xavier Gràcia (Barcelona)   (xgracia@mat.upc.es)


6. Short communications


   Session organizer:  Janusz Grabowski (Warszawa) (jagrab@impan.gov.pl)



The afternoons will be devoted to discussions and informal seminars.


Participants who wish to contribute to one of these special topics are encouraged to contact the corresponding organizers. Participants who wish to present a short communication are kindly requested to notify it to Janusz Grabowski in reply to this announcement (see further).




Accommodation, fees, and support


Participants will be lodged at the Mathematical Research and Conference Center of the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. There are lecture rooms in the Center. A detailed  information on prices will be send in the second announcement (the price depends on the exchange rate) but one can expect the conference fee of the order of 250 EUR. This will cover the full board, the conference dinner, and an excursion. You will be requested to pay the conference fee after your arrival in Będlewo.


A support from the Banach Center has been promised, so we can cover the stay (totally or partially) for a number of participants. No travel refunds are possible. This support will be devoted mainly to younger participants, so if you have students who intend to come and need this support, please contact Paweł Urbański or just mark it in the application form.




Location and travel information


Będlewo is a small village located ca 30 km to the south from Poznań (map). All needed information you can find on the web page http://www.impan.gov.pl/Bedlewo/.




How to reach Będlewo


The address is:  62-060 Stęszew, Będlewo, ul. Parkowa 1 (1 Parkowa Street),


 tel.: (48-61) 8135187


 fax: (48-61) 8135393


 e-mail: bedlewo@impan.gov.pl .


You can reach Poznań by plain or train: from Warsaw or Berlin. For train schedules you can also see the web page of the Polish State Railways http://www.rozklad.pkp.pl/ .


From Poznań one can reach Będlewo

·         by taxi;

·         by train to Mosina and then by taxi to the Conference Center at Będlewo (approx. 9 km, price ≈50 PLN ≈10-12 EUR)

·         by train to Stęszew, then by bus to the stop "Będlewo Skrzyżowanie" (2.5 km to the west of the palace, on the crossing of the roads).


The organizers will try to organize a transportation for groups of participants.




Bus to Prague


There is a possibility to organize a bus to Prague that can carry persons willing to attend the conference there just after the XIXth Workshop. Note however that one can also travel by train: a trip from Poznań via Berlin takes 8:18 hours. Please mark in the application form your intention to use such a bus.




What we expect you to do (no later than March 28)


Please confirm your intention to participate by filling in the application form and sending it to one of the organizers.


           Janusz  Grabowski                             Paweł Urbański


       Institute of Mathematics                   Chair of Math. Methods in Physics

      Polish Academy of Sciences                    University of Warsaw

     ul. Śniadeckich 8, P.O. Box 21                      ul. Hoża 69

         00-956 Warszawa, POLAND                      00-681 Warszawa, POLAND


     E-mail: jagrab@impan.gov.pl                    E-mail: urbanski@fuw.edu.pl